miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011

English - supplementary exercises

Will our world in the year 4000 ?



Daniel = Android
Marina = Daughter
Oscar = Father

Let's start

Mariana: Hi daddy
Oscar: Hi Sweety! How was your today ?

Mariana: Great ! But i am so hungry
Oscar: Andremedia come here .

Daniel : What do you need Sr ?
Oscar: Make the dinner please ?

Daniel : Of course , what do you want ?
Mariana: I want a hamburger , whit cheese , salad and french fries .

Oscar: I want a sandwich and a coke.
Daniel : Ok, inmediatly

Mariana and oscar : oh my god, this is very delicious

Mariana: Oh Daddy, i have a problem whit my aereocar , the turbine this failing , and the aerocar just have a little of hidrogen.

Oscar: Oh my little baby , no problem , fly in the aereocar to the plataform and android repair this . it can does everything.

Mariana : Ok daddy see you latter

(oscar, yawn and feel sleep)-----> Action

Daniel : Sr take your pillow
oscar: Thanks, always know what i think

Oscar : It´s freezing
(the temperature sensor, Accommodates temperature )

Daniel : Turn on tv
Oscar : Yes, thanks

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